Please allow 72 hours notice when ordering repeat prescriptions. Prescriptions can be delivered to the local pharmacy. If you wish your prescription to be sent to any pharmacy out with East Linton, please let reception know. We may need you to provide us with a stamped addressed envelope depending on the pharmacy you wish to use.
Order online
Order online via patient access
Please ask at reception for a registration letter to sign up to patient access.
Order by Email
Please send prescription requests to
Please include your full name, date of birth and the medication that you are requesting. General enquiries will not be answered through this email address. Please call the Surgery if you have an enquiry.
Repeat slip / Hand written note
Patients may still hand in repeat slips and hand written requests in to the red box at the front door. Please make sure you include your name and date of birth to written requests.
We do not take any requests for prescriptions over the telephone except in exceptional circumstances, or if you are housebound. This is in line with current guidelines on safety and prescribing.
It is important that we see you from time to time to ensure that you are still receiving the best treatment for your condition, and that you are keeping well. If we feel that we need to see you before issuing a repeat prescription, we will contact you directly.